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Types of Supplements

The Three Types of Nutritional Supplements

1. Synthetic

  • Artificial chemicals made in a laboratory
  • Most are made by pharmaceutical companies from coal tar or petroleum byproducts
  • Often referred to as “nutraceuticals” (chemical nutrients)
  • Based in the same reductionist principles as drug therapy
  • Have a pharmacological (not nutritional or rebalancing) effect on the body
  • Are essentially over-the-counter drugs
  • Lack essential co-factors which complete and balance the nutrient complex
  • Create nutritional deficiencies of missing co-factors that naturally occur in food
  • Results in a toxic “mega-dose” approach to therapeutics, e.g. hundreds or thousands of milligrams of ascorbic acid (mistakenly referred to as vitamin C)
  • Accurately described as counterfeit or fake vitamins
  • Have consistently been found less effective than food concentrates
  • Common adverse reactions when combined with other drugs
  • 99% of the “vitamins” people take (those from the pharmacy, health food store, vitamin store or mail order) are isolated synthetic chemicals

2. Fractionated

  • Similar to synthetics in principle and effect
  • Chemically extracted from foods or plants
  • e.g. d-alpha tocopherol (mistakenly referred to as vitamin E) from soybean oil
  • Most standardized herbal extracts are made in this way

3. Food Concentrates

  • Concentrated foods and plants that retain the full nutrient complex
  • Made by simply removing the water and fiber from the food or plant
  • Quality determined by farming methods; soil, water and sun; and the manufacturing process
  • Produce far fewer adverse reactions and interactions with drugs
  • Non-toxic, unlike isolated chemical vitamins
  • Have a nutritional/rebalancing effect on the body; often referred to as “therapeutic foods”
  • Provides nutrients in the way the body is designed to obtain them: from foods, not chemicals
  • Greater availability of nutrients in their original/natural form

Note: You cannot compare the amounts (milligrams) of vitamins in a synthetic formula to that of a food concentrate. Foods (e.g. a bag of carrots) and food concentrates contain small amounts of hundreds of nutrients not listed on the label. Food concentrates are low-dose and high potency, whereas synthetics are high-dose and low-potency.