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How Native Sun Nutrition Can Help With Men’s Health

Written By Native Sun Nutrition & Functional Medicine on May 8, 2022

man lifting weights

There are many physiological differences between men and women that require different forms of healthcare, including balancing hormones. Hormones affect male vitality and well-being, making it necessary to optimize health with Native Sun Nutrition and Functional Medicine in Las Vegas, NV.

What exactly is testosterone?

Testosterone is a hormone that is produced by both men and women. However, men have higher levels, and this accounts for changes in puberty like deepening of the voice, larger amounts of body hair, and growth spurts. Testosterone is involved in sperm production, red blood cell production, and the maintenance of strong bones and muscles.

How do hormone levels affect male vitality?

When men have too much estrogen, or low testosterone levels, they can become sluggish and experience a decrease in energy, libido, motivation, and overall quality of life. Many chemicals in our modern world mimic the effects of estrogen on the body, leading to hormonal imbalances and negative effects on men’s health. Compounds that induce estrogenic effects include:

  • Dry cleaning chemicals
  • Fabric softener
  • Laundry detergent
  • Parabens
  • Copier toner
  • Insecticides
  • Antibiotics in meat and dairy products
  • Plastics

Estrogen dominance in men is linked to prostate enlargement and prostate cancer.

Overconsumption of refined carbohydrates and trans fats can also lead to a chain reaction that triggers the production of more estrogen, plus body fat produces estrogen. This can lead to an increase in insulin resistance and the inhibition of leptin, which can make you need to eat more in order to feel satiated.

How can Dr. Williams help?

Dr. Williams provides expert nutritional counseling and functional medicine for men in the Las Vegas area. She can evaluate your physical condition and help you identify your health goals. Your treatment plan will be customized to meet your individual needs. It may involve digestive health, supplements, dietary changes, and enhancement of liver function to increase testosterone production.

Enhanced Men’s Health With Functional Medicine

Native Sun Nutrition and Functional Medicine in Las Vegas, NV, provides holistic services specifically targeted towards men’s healthcare. She can evaluate you based on hormone balance and to identify is you suffer from estrogen dominance.

For more information about our holistic healthcare services or to schedule your initial consultation, send us a message on our website.

Posted In: Functional Medicine Nutritional Counseling Nutritionist Holistic Medicine Testosterone