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The Role of the Endocrine System in Women’s Health

Written By Native Sun Nutrition & Functional Medicine on August 8, 2022

couple meditating

The endocrine system plays a significant role in women’s health as its job is to produce approximately 600 different hormones to keep you alive and healthy (a.k.a. in homeostasis). The endocrine system is the messenger system of your body. Without adequate balance in hormones, either certain bodily functions don’t occur or the wrong action is executed, leading to a biological imbalance.

Your endocrine system consists of many glands, each with their own roles. For women, they help with maintaining an ideal healthy body weight, getting quality sleep, brain function, reproduction, mood, stress response and so much more. Dr. Caroline Williams DC, CFMP, ACN of Native Sun Nutrition & Functional Medicine is here to help you restore and/or maintain a healthy balanced, endocrine system for optimal women’s health.

Balancing the Endocrine System

Studies show that endocrine-related disorders like osteoporosis, diabetes, obesity, and hypothyroidism occur much more frequently in women. Women can inadvertently trigger imbalances by taking birth control pills during teenage years, taking other prescribed pharmaceuticals, eating poorly, getting too much or too little exercise, chemicals in our environment (xenoestrogens, heavy metals), EMF’s or even by struggling with too much stress.

Statistics show that 25% of women going into menopause have a low functioning thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), and that 50% of the individuals diagnosed with hypothyroidism also have adrenal fatigue or depletion. Signs of hypothyroidism include:

  • Mood disturbances
  • Low energy
  • Weight gain
  • Mental confusion
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Sluggish digestion
  • Hair loss
  • Hypercholesterolemia

The good news is that you can take steps to restore optimal endocrine function. Dr. Williams can help you take nutritional and lifestyle steps to assert balance with your endocrine system. She has tools available to help with the emotional side, can evaluate your blood work to determine nutritional needs to support your endocrine system and balance your body as a whole, and has detox tools available to help restore and maintain healthy hormone levels. Dr. Williams will evaluate you and your unique needs, and guide you through a customized health restoration plan.

Schedule an Appointment Today

At Native Sun Nutrition & Functional Medicine, we feature a number of evidence-based programs to improve your lifestyle and diet, which are designed not as a quick fix, but rather as a long-term solution to excellent health. Dr. Williams offers state-of-the-art holistic programs for the body and mind. We provide an alternative approach in lieu of prescribing medications as a temporary fix, we focus on healing the root of the problem.

For more information about our holistic healthcare services or to schedule your initial consultation, send us a message on our website.

Posted In: Functional Medicine Chiropractic Endocrine System